The mobility industry is experiencing a significant and profound transformation driven by digitalisation and the rise of the sharing economy, while users aspire to have multiple affordable means of transport to move seamlessly. Addressing urban mobility represents one of the most important challenges in regional and metropolitan areas and also holds the greatest potential for substantial impact. We define the future of Urban Mobility as a multimodal, user-centric approach that is equitable, safe, clean and sustainable. This is founded on two key pillars: moving away from private cars to more sustainable modes and services; and orchestrating transport networks for the efficient and seamless door-to-door mobility of passengers and freight.
ERTICO is actively supporting the widespread deployment of the next generation of cooperative, balanced, seamless and personalised mobility services in regions and cities of all sizes. We continue to move from concepts and strategy to delivery: operationalising new approaches. Our Urban Mobility roadmap targets savings of one million hours of travel time, one million tonnes of CO2 and 10,000 lives by 2030.
Sustainability and reducing emissions, including Net Zero activities, remain central. We are part of CIVITAS, the flagship EU programme for sustainable urban mobility, and new partners in its New Mobility Services (NMS) community, playing an active role in urban mobility design.
Our Urban Mobility Roadmap for 2035
ERTICO’s goal for 2035 is to achieve full integration of all these mobility solutions. This will reduce traffic congestion and increase the use of low-carbon and low-emission solutions, leading to high-quality travel for all citizens and businesses. ERTICO supports its 2035 roadmap related to Urban Mobility through projects and Innovation Platforms allowing the possibility to develop innovative solutions.

Current objectives in the area of Urban Mobility
Create a single market for Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
A city-business partnership framework delivers “sustainability as a profitable service”, including new organisation and business cases. To achieve such a partnership, ERTICO is working on guidelines and the framework for MaaS deployment and interoperability. We recognise the importance of testing the cities network for MaaS deployment and are engaging with cities to do so.
Develop “plug and play city” for harmonised tools and APIs
Harmonised tools and APIs for interconnection and integration of transport systems, mobility data and related services will enable the “plug-and-play city”. ERTICO is supporting the large-scale deployment of C-ITS (cooperative ITS) bundled services in complex urban environments. We work to develop an ITS deployment framework for the “plug-and-play city”.
Delivering greener, cleaner and more sustainable mobility for cities of tomorrow.
ERTICO and its Partners contribute to targets that include saving millions of tonnes of CO₂, improving road safety and saving one million hours from traffic congestion and delays. The European Commission’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy maintains that at least 30 million zero-emission cars will be running on European roads by 2030, 100 European cities will be climate neutral, and automated mobility will be deployed on a large scale. Our key themes, therefore, include Mobility Network Management (MNM), optimising and integrating infrastructure management for people and goods across all transport modes, and looking at the system as a whole, including public transport and UAM. We aim to make traffic management more connected, predictive and interactive, including the concept of co-opetition between private and public sectors.
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a key focus here, supported by increasing levels of automation and interoperable payment and ticketing systems. Active Mobility (cycling + walking) and fully flexible personalised mobility are also on the radar. As in other areas, we want to connect the dots in urban mobility and put people at the heart of our work through a user-centric approach. We know urban areas are taking their responsibilities seriously. With the ERTICO City Moonshot interviewing 150 cities worldwide: 92% are taking transport-related action to address the climate crisis. This initiative will continue, covering more cities and helping to foster greater dialogue and understanding around the challenges and opportunities. 2021 saw extensive revisions and updates to the guidance for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) with ERTICO input, covering intelligent transport systems (ITS), MaaS and Urban Air Mobility (UAM). In Active Mobility, ERTICO work with prominent groups including Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) and representatives of user groups such as the European Cyclists Federation (ECF).
ERTICO remains at the forefront of urban mobility, helping to refocus policy and operations from traffic management and efficiency gains towards more environmental targets to ensure we can plan and deliver the greener, cleaner and more sustainable mobility solutions.