Our Vision, Mission & Values

To achieve societal and political goals, strengthen the competitiveness of the intelligent transport industry and optimise services for the user, ERTICO brings together the interests of public and private stakeholders across Europe and beyond. Our final goal is to create safer, smarter and cleaner transport services and networks for the benefit of all.
Our vision
ERTICO brings intelligence into mobility towards:
- SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY >> reduced impact on the environment
- EFFICIENT MOBILITY >> zero delays and fully informed users
- SAFE MOBILITY >> zero accidents
Our mission
ERTICO develops, promotes and facilitates the deployment of intelligent mobility services by providing multi-stakeholder platform for action.
Our Values
At ERTICO, we are living five values representing our collective willingness and ambition to support our Partners in deploying Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS). Our values embrace everything we do and how we aim to achieve our vision:
We connect public and private stakeholders to facilitate the deployment of new ITS technologies
We are 100% result-oriented, contributing to positive transformations in our ecosystem
Our approach ensures fair, respectful, equal and inclusive participation of all stakeholders
We are dedicated and inspired to make mobility safer, smarter and cleaner for the benefit of all
We abide to the strong vision developed with our partners to advance innovative solutions for the future

We are happy to announce that ERTICO – ITS Europe is the winner of the 2023 HR Excellence Award for the Best Workplace Redesign.
How we work
ERTICO works to achieve its vision and fulfill its mission by being a thought leader and engaging key industry stakeholders to advance the smart mobility agenda. We promote and facilitate the roll out of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS) in Europe and beyond through a variety of European co-funded projects, Innovation Platforms, international cooperation, advocacy and events.