ERTICO City Moonshot

ERTICO City Moonshot aims to engage, inspire and empower cities by understanding their needs and requirements in relation to mobility and transport. By interviewing 300 cities worldwide on their smart mobility challenges, needs and trends, ERTICO City Moonshot is working to create a unique knowledge database, where interviewed cities will be able to directly express their needs and interests in how they wish to shape and improve their mobility systems. To exploit fully the opportunities offered by digitalisation, ERTICO City Moonshot focuses on data sharing; Mobility as a Service (MaaS); and policy priorities on sustainability and the role of transport. With a share of global population living in cities and megacities that is growing by the day, ERTICO City Moonshot’s results will have a long-lasting and tangible impact and make our cities smarter by improving the way we live and move.


The City Moonshot

first report

is now available!


The Cities

ERTICO City Moonshot is on a mission: Interviewing 300 cities worldwide (200 in Europe and 100 outside Europe)

conducted interviews

Interviewed cities and regions

* The participating cities and regions have been classified into five geographical categories: Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. For the purpose of the reports, the cities under the ‘Europe’ category include part of Russia and Turkey.






    Discover the cities we have already interviewed in the interactive map below:

Phase I


Phase II

City Moonshot is currently working on Phase II, conducting a second round of interviews focusing on two main topics:


Take part!

As part of the City Moonshot Initiative, ERTICO always welcomes cities across the world that wish to contribute sharing their views on their smart mobility challenges, needs and trends. This insightful survey will focus on three topics in the sector: data sharing, Mobility as a Service, and policy priorities on sustainability and the role of transport. Interested?


Join here!

City Moonshot webinars: Exploring tomorrow’s urban mobility 

Explore the latest innovations and challenges shaping tomorrow’s transportation landscape through engaging talks from leading city experts. Watch, learn, and join the conversation as we collectively reimagine how our cities move.

NAVIGATING THE URBAN SKIES: Exploring your city’s drone interest with ERTICO City Moonshot results

Engage. Inspire. Empower – ERTICO City Moonshot Launch Webinar


For all further questions and inquiries concerning the programme, please refer to:


Lidia Buenavida Peña
Vladimir Vorotovic
Emin Aliyev
Dimitrios Vovolis

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