Creating the digital infrastructure
for freight transport and logistics operations

With the goal of managing the movement of goods, people and information more efficiently and effectively, ERTICO plays a central role in helping to optimise transportation networks, better coordinate logistics operations in a multimodal world, and ensure timely and secure delivery in user-centric ways

We are contributing to the transition from a market primarily driven by services and software to one that is data-driven. This shift requires a re-evaluation of strategies, investments and capabilities which are closely intertwined with technology advances including Big Data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, telematics and automation, which bring new opportunities for innovation and growth. Technology integration is a key enabler in this field, and we work to continue the positive trends in urban logistics and prioritising initiatives that address changing needs. With the increasing digitisation of logistics, we support the development of new technologies and innovations to streamline operations. 

More recent developments such as drone delivery, 3D printing, and robotic automation require feasibility studies, pilots, testing, and successful scaling. Cybersecurity is an increasingly important strand. With technology-enabled data sharing and information exchange vital for future logistics, we had the honour of receiving the ‘Innovation Award 2023 for Data Sharing and Data Transformation’ in 2023. This reflects our contribution to various EU-funded initiatives, including projects 5G-LOGINNOV, BOOSTLOG and the ERTICO-coordinated FENIX project which supported the development of future data spaces and e-GATE federation for public platforms.

Reducing emissions and promoting eco-friendly practices are central to our work: from green logistics strategies, and electro-mobility to zero-emission vehicles. Sustainable logistics not only aligns with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals but also reduces costs and enhances brand reputation. We continue to monitor policy and industry standards at all levels, advocating for change when needed while actively supporting and enabling regulatory compliance

Our work contributes to improved supply chain management, from point of origin to point of consumption. This includes optimising distribution and improving inventory management to minimise costs and maximise profitability. Supply chain resilience means companies can better withstand disruption such as natural disasters and geopolitical events.

Our Transport & Logistics Roadmap for 2035

ERTICO’s aim in Transport & Logistics is to increase interoperability, connectivity in the optimisation of cargo flows, and to facilitate supply chain management, whilst making better use of existing resources. By 2035, ERTICO’s goal is to achieve seamless logistics and freight transport and nearer to 2025, achieve full digitalisation and automation of freight and logistics operations.

Current objectives in the area of Transport & Logistics

Research and deploy smart solutions for freight and logistics: The sustainability of urban logistics is an important issue for rapidly growing cities. Many cities have developed strategies to move people more efficiently and safely, but much less attention has been paid to goods transport. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G, Internet of Things technology, blockchain and many more, promises to create a high-volume and high-velocity data environment. This is expected to create opportunities making supply chains more autonomous, secure and synchromodal. ERTICO is working on integrating these aspects into its research and deployment projects. ERTICO recognises the role C-ITS (cooperative ITS solutions) can play in improving logistics operations by generating real-time traffic information, allowing better tracking and tracing of goods across transport networks. The work done in ERTICO’s TM 2.0 Innovation Platform can enhance logistical efficiencies by providing a better insight into highly congested hub areas (Ports, Airports and Railways). ERTICO is a great proponent of collaboration and international cooperation so we are gathering ports and industries around the world to discuss innovative trends in Transport & Logistics.

Develop necessary interfaces for an integrated freight transport system: ERTICO is developing the European Digital Innovation Hub for supply chain and logistics. The Hub is overcoming the fragmentation of data exchange in the supply chain and is ensuring scalability, interoperability and visibility across the supply chain. The biggest benefits of the Hub is the support to the workflow across companies/authorities; automation of data flow and flexible relationship management of logistics actors.

Develop harmonised methodologies for carbon footprint calculation of the transport supply chain: By 2030 logistics stakeholders will need to track, document and disclose their CO2 emissions as customers are increasingly taking an interest in the supply chain of the products they buy, requiring companies to disclose information on the ethical provenance of goods and on the amount of CO2 emitted in production and distribution. ERTICO is supporting the work of the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) to define a common measurement for carbon footprint along the transport supply chain.

Combining innovation and smarter technical solutions to make Transport and Logistic cleaner and more efficient: ERTICO plays a central role in coordinating and leading improvement efforts, from identifying gaps in standards and aligning standards to support interoperability to supporting practical change in critical areas such as congestion and improving end-to-end supply chain visibility. Key themes include improving the efficiency and economics of freight and transport while reducing environmental impacts. Our work is accelerating to digitalise the supply chain, including 5G/6G applications, automation and other digital enablers essential to modernise logistics, supporting multimodality, intermodality and synchromodality while exploiting the opportunities presented by data and data sharing. Indeed, smart logistics services will require a secure and trusted EU-wide data platform founded on interoperability. Delivery as a Service (Daas) for last-mile operations and Logistics as a Service (LaaS) is becoming a reality, with cleaner electro-mobility driving future urban logistics. One significant recent development involves e-CMR (electronic consignment notes). CMR control how goods are transported internationally and is the most common document in freight transport, generating hundreds of millions of paper documents each year for cross-border movements

ERTICO contributes to the development of the Mobility Data Space, part of the European Data Strategy: Our members and partners are keen to implement trusted, safe and secure solutions via multiple platform service providers including peer-to-peer solutions. While such innovation is required to modernise freight transport, serious challenges remain. These include addressing interoperability and governance issues, engaging with stakeholders, better-supporting collaboration, and promoting the benefits of interoperability, while always recognising the needs and priorities of end-users. Using 5G, 6G, and other digital enablers is fundamental to moving forward successfully, alongside strong cooperation between ERTICO and ITS stakeholders, for example, the European Ministries of Transport, the European Commission (DG MOVE) and Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF) community, groups such as the Association of Logistics and Sustainable Intermodality (ALIS), the UN Economic Commission for Europe, and World Road Transport Organisation (IRU). ERTICO will continue to help connect the dots: combining innovation and smarter technical solutions with the right policies and operational activities for every stage of the movement of goods, creating an industry that is both cleaner and more efficient.

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