Accelerating automation and connectivity for safer and smarter mobility

ERTICO is working to support and accelerate the deployment of safe, infrastructure supported and inclusive CCAM services that complement existing transport solutions and address societal needs.

Our activities reflect the entire spectrum of ERTICO’s CCAM roadmap vision, bringing together multiple stakeholders including all sectors from industry, research and the public to share experiences and build consensus to solve common challenges. This includes addressing the societal aspects of CCAM, exploring and testing the key enabling technologies, supporting demonstrations to raise awareness and evaluate wider impacts of services, providing co-ordination across stakeholders, creating the physical and digital infrastructure required, and developing and aligning the standards and harmonised approaches necessary for deployment to succeed.

We strongly support the CCAM Partnership, which organises the R&I actions required to move closer towards deployment readiness. This includes significant contributions to developing and updating the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), a living document that informs European R&I and demonstration activity, alongside developments associated with the Work Programmes of the Horizon Europe funding programme. ERTICO leads the partnership’s cluster on Coordination and co-leads its cluster on Integrating CCAM in the Transport System.

Recent updates to the SRIA reflect the latest technological advances, including results from the first EU-funded CCAM project, together with emerging challenges and evolving societal needs. They also reflect fast-moving regulatory developments connected to the General Safety Regulation (GSR) and Automated Driving Systems (ADS) Regulation to fully support the EU Green Deal, but also sustainability and circularity requirements, in co- operation with other initiatives around electrification and zero- emission vehicles. ERTICO has contributed to updates related to the cooperation between Member States and with other regions of the world. This is essential for future development of harmonised solutions working across borders, sharing best practices and potential solutions to common challenges.

Our CCAM Roadmap for 2035

ERTICO’s Roadmap for 2035 on CCAM is marked by essential milestones. Through the Innovation Platforms and projects run under this focus area, ERTICO is working to support the achievement of these milestones and the vision of connected automated mobility for people and goods.

Current objectives in the area of CCAM

Foster interoperable, reliable and compliant connectivity for automation: This is done by supporting C-ITS standardisation and interoperability testing to ensure that devices comply with standards and are interoperable. Testing the concept of hybrid communications on public roads for CCAM purposes is equally important, as is addressing issues of performance, quality and freshness related to essential CCAM services e.g. GNSS, C-ITS, HD maps. ERTICO is investigating the applicability of IOT connectivity for connected and automated driving and increases the emphasis on interoperability of services at application level.

Assess impact of automated vehicle functions through large-scale pilots: ERTICO promotes common guidelines on pilot methodologies, data sharing and architecture implementation and encourages the creation of local CCAM test beds or pre-deployment areas. We participate and support learning “by doing” in large-scale pilot activities on passenger cars, truck platoons and public transport, as well as conducting real road testing of essential CCAM features such as connectivity.

Contribute to the developments of Big Data in transport to serve automation: ERTICO works to promote the “Digitalisation of transport” and “Big Data for transport” as enablers and drivers for the deployment of CCAM technologies. We support the concept of data sharing while recognising the value and importance of commercial interests. We address in our work the emergence of horizontal technological trends in Internet of Things (IoT) and high-speed connectivity.

The future of mobility is connected, cooperative and automated: By creating a pathway to CCAM, ERTICO leads numerous R&I projects, platforms, demonstrations and other activities, coordinating multiple stakeholders to focus on common challenges, develop a shared vision, and enable a harmonised approach. In line with industry trends and recent developments, the name of the focus area ‘Connected and Automated Driving’ (CAD) was revised and changed to CCAM to better align with the general terminology used by policymakers and institutions such as the European Commission, but also the language increasingly used by ERTICO members and Partners. This change underlines an important development within this theme: CCAM is about far more than just driving, and mobility can be seen in the broadest terms. It is not only connected and automated but also cooperative in nature, involving many different ITS actors, systems and sets of technologies. Stakeholder cooperation is therefore essential for the integration of vehicles, infrastructures and mobility services such as traffic management, as well as integrating cooperative and automated approaches through existing transport systems, for example, public transport networks.

ERTICO’s approach, founded on technology neutrality, seeks to enable interoperability and cooperation for a CCAM world that is open to all: We also believe in large-scale demonstrations, testing and pilots – learning by doing – to showcase CCAM technologies, support user engagement and public involvement (embracement in the jargon), making CCAM a reality faster. Given ERTICO’s multi-stakeholder nature, we play a unique role in formulating and recommending common evaluation methodologies and validation frameworks for CCAM by facilitating cross-sector knowledge exchange and thought leadership for the safe and successful deployment of CCAM. We are trusted by the European Commission to be one of the founder members of its co-programmed CCAM Partnership, officially launched in June 2021. This strong presence will see us co-create the partnership’s priorities and steer the development of the future Horizon Europe Work Programmes in CCAM in areas such as coordination and integration of the vehicle in the transport system.

For many years, ERTICO has been connecting the dots to advance key coordination tools while providing harmonised methodologies and share the best practices and driving innovation in technology with its Partners, including edge computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, cyber security and the Internet of Things – showcasing CCAM in action.

Innovation Platforms & Mobility Spaces

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