Emin Aliyev

Areas of expertise:eMobility
Emin has studied Public Policy, Business Management, European Economic Integration and also has a strong educational background in Innovation Management. During his studies, he worked at DG Information Society at the European Commission and in the Centre for Commercialisation in Seattle, USA.
Before joining ERTICO, Emin worked as a Senior Project Manager at the European Association for Storage of Energy in various proposals preparation, partnership building and project implementation related to the storage applications such as hydrogen, batteries, power-to-X under research and innovation related funding programs such as Horizon 2020, Connecting Europe Facility and other European Commission tenders (DG Energy, DG RTD, etc.). He has also undertaken several short-term expert assignments as an independent assessor under EU Framework contracts (FWC) managed by DG EuropeAid and other EU institutions.
Emin speaks French, English, Russian, Azerbaijani and Turkish.