IBEC is a cooperative working group set up to coordinate and expand efforts to exchange information and techniques and evaluate benefits and costs of ITS. For over 15 years IBEC has been an international forum for the evaluation of ITS bringing together the best...
iMobility Forum

iMobility Forum

The iMobility Forum was established in 2002 and is chaired by the European Commission and co-chaired by ERTICO-ITS Europe, ASECAP and ACEA.  The Forum provides a platform for all ITS stakeholders in Europe to develop, implement and monitor work programs linked to...
Network of National ITS Associations

Network of National ITS Associations

The ERTICO – ITS Europe hosted Network of National ITS Associations was formed in order to ensure that ITS knowledge and information is transmitted to all actors at the local and national level – such as small and medium sized companies – and support...
Interoperability Interest Group

Interoperability Interest Group

The Interoperability Interest Group addresses the key technical challenge for the Intelligent Transport Systems: Interoperability.  ITS components are part of distributed systems exchanging data and messages. Therefore vendors shall ensure their components are...


The FOSTER-ROAD  project supported the  European Technology  Platform ERTRAC  (the  European Road  Transport Research Advisory Council) to create and implement the needed research and innovation strategies for a sustainable and competitive European road transport...