optiTruck – The impact of road traffic on energy efficiency is a major global policy concern and has stimulated a substantial body of innovation aimed at improving underlying vehicle and traffic management technologies and informing public policy action. Many of the current options to reduce energy consumptions and CO2 emissions have worked on light-duty vehicles but are not feasible for heavy duty applications. Reduction of fuel consumption and other consumables without sacrificing on emission is an important challenge for Heavy Duty Vehicles. As today the Euro VI standard foresees testing with a predefined World Harmonised Heavy Duty Transient Cycle as defined in ECE regulation annex 4B, the control and calibration of powertrains are optimised under these given conditions. However, in real driving conditions and real transport missions there are many optimisation possibilities especially when balancing fuel efficiency and emissions reduction with a specific vehicle application and operating conditions. Further possibilities can also be realised where extensive exploitation of the big data, telematics and communication technologies are integrated into intelligent architecture of the powertrain system through the use of advanced optimisation and calibration techniques.