To All ERTICO Partners,


With this email, the ERTICO office would like to share the latest update on the progress of the proposals development for the H2020 WP2016 calls. According to your interests and active inputs, the calls addressed by the ERTICO Office are listed below.

Since the last email sent on 2 October, the official text of the H2020 Work Programme 2016-2017 has been published with some minor changes. The links to specific calls are provided as hyperlinks in the text below.

Note that most Innovation Actions (IA) and Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) in the Mobility for Growth call are submitted in 2 stages.  Submission deadlines are mentioned in the text below.

Bordeaux has been a good opportunity to make more progress on the WP2016 call preparations. We encourage you to keep interacting with the H2020 call contact persons who can support by identifying the relevant partners for your proposals.

Connected And automated Driving Programme

2016       ART-02                  Automation pilots for passenger cars

In total, more than 25 partners have shown interest for this call. This is a big call where it is most likely that only one project is selected requesting up to 30-36 m€.

Continental has invited a group of 24 industry partners from automotive, telecom and IT industry to take part in a preliminary group of stakeholders in order to refine principles, objectives, and structure of an eventual project proposal. The call focusses on Large Scale Pilot Deployment of Highly Automated Passenger Cars. It is fairly challenging as it must cover a large list of research topics and requires a Public-Private multi-stakeholders commitment.

Mr Juergen Roeder,  Head of Technology Development Communication Networks & Driving Functions at Continental, has taken the lead of this initiative. ERTICO has been supporting by communicating the interest expressed by the partners. It is expected that the proposal would bid for the full available funding (36m€) and would become a European Commission flagship project. A first F2F meeting is planned this week; the next step after this is to invite public authorities and research institutes. The Core Group and partners for this activity will be set up according to the commitment and contributions of the companies around the table.

A competing proposal is being set up by Volkswagen. A series of ERTICO partners are already involved in this proposal. A merge of the VW and CONTI initiatives may be advisable. ERTICO is in contact with the coordinator of the proposal.

Total Funding available: maximum 36m€ most likely for 1 project

Deadline: 20/01/2016 (Stage 1) 29/09/2016 (Stage 2)

Contact person: Maxime Flament (

2016       MG-6.2                  Large-scale demonstration(s) of cooperative ITS            

The former DAVINCI core group composed of IMTECH, CERTH, DLR, IRU, TNO and ERTICO, decided to take the DAVINCI proposal as a basis for a new proposal and will adapt it for this call in particular with a focus on complex urban areas. Currently the core group is still in the process to build a competitive consortium and is led by the industrial partner IMTECH as it is an Innovation Action. All partners having shown interest are being contacted in the context of this new proposal.

On the other hand, HERE together with several other ERTICO partners have initiated another competing proposal. ERTICO is acting as an advisor to HERE for the setup of their proposal and consortium but it is not part of the consortium.

Total Funding available: 12-15m€ most likely for 1-2 projects

Deadline: 20/01/2016 (Stage 1) 29/09/2016 (Stage 2)

Contact person: Jean-Charles Pandazis and Giacomo Somma

2016       IOT-01                   Large Scale IoT Pilots – Pilot5: autonomous vehicles in connected environment

ERTICO has received the interest of 35 partners mostly from the private (MNO, service providers, suppliers, traffic and transport industry, vehicle manufacturers) and research sectors.

IoT champions and solution providers are part of the consortium. It is most likely that only one “all-inclusive” proposal will be selected for this call. Most of the activities in the IOT-01 are linked to the current discussions in the AIOTI (Alliance for IOT innovation), with a particular focus on the WG9 smart Mobility, being led by Bosch. The current consortium is very likely to be joined by few additional partners. ERTICO is active in the AOITI, in the WG9 and WG3 (standardisation). The consortium is strongly supported by Bosch and currently coordinated by ERTICO. A webinar is organised on 19 November to kick off the consortium and present the concept and the next steps.

Total Funding available: 20m€ for 1 project

Deadline: 26/04/2016

Contact person: Francois FISCHER (

2016       ART-04                  Safety and end-user acceptance aspects of road automation in the transition period

In total, more than 20 partners have shown interest for this call. This is a rather competitive call with smaller projects foreseen (3-6m€). There is space for two to three ERTICO supported proposals.

A small consortium led by DLR and supported by ITS LEEDS and ICCS will be looking at interaction of AV with other road participants – the consortium and budget will be kept small as this is not the main part of the call.

Other partners have expressed interests for user-centric HMI design evaluation but no initiatives are yet supported by ERTICO.

Total Funding available: depending on ART02: from 12m€ up to 30m€ for several projects

Deadline: 20/01/2016 (Stage 1) 29/09/2016 (Stage 2)

Contact person: Maxime Flament (

2016       ART-05                  Road infrastructure to support the transition to automation and the coexistence of conventional and automated vehicles on the same network

Similar to ART-04, this is rather competitive call with a series of smaller projects to be expected. There is space for two to three ERTICO supported proposals.

ERTICO is currently supporting a proposal led by IFSTTAR with DLR and in relation with FEHRL. This proposal is focusing on study requirements for urban and extra-urban road infrastructure to facilitate automated vehicles. ERTICO is planning to reserve budget for road infrastructure operators and owners to be able to join the project activities as experts to contribute to user need study and evaluation.

Another proposal is led by ICCS with AustriaTech.

Moreover, some partners have expressed interest to assess the infrastructure readability by the vehicle sensors and to identify infrastructure requirements so that post signs and street markings detection is maximised. Please let us know if there is any interest.

Total Funding available: up to 13m€ for 3-4 projects

Deadline: 20/01/2016 (Stage 1) 29/09/2016 (Stage 2)

Contact person: Maxime Flament ( and Yanying Li

2016       ART-06                  Coordination of activities in support of road automation

This call includes two distinct areas (Area1: DG RTD; Area 2: DG Connect). It is highly likely that two proposals are supported by ERTICO.

On Area1: Still to be confirmed, ERTICO is taking the initiative by proposing a follow-up of the current VRA activities with more emphasis on collaboration between industry and public authorities while also contributing to different EC activities related to Road Automation across DGs: DG RTD: ERTRAC AD WG , DG CONNECT: iMobility Forum Automation WG , AIOTI, 5GPPP, BigDataPPP, and DG GROW: GEAR2030. Active contributors to VRA have been contacted as well as public authorities, industry leaders and other sectors – more than 35 organisations have shown support to this proposal.

On Area2: the current FOT-NET-Data consortium is preparing a targeted support action to develop a platform for data sharing supporting the automation pilots (e.g. mainly the projects coming from ART02-03-07 but also MG6.2 and IOT-01).

A competing proposal covering both Areas is being prepared by ERTRAC members to support the new ERTRAC Connected and Automated Driving WG. Discussions with ERTRAC and the coordinator are ongoing.

Total Funding available: 3m€ for 1 to 2 projects

Deadline: 26/01/2016

Contact person: Maxime Flament ( and Davide Brizzolara (

ITS For Freight Transport and Logistics

2016       MG-5.3                  Promoting the deployment of green transport, towards Eco-labels for logistics      

This is a follow-up of COFFRET and GLEC activities. GLEC is leading the initiative together with IRU. This project is important in the framework of the ERTICO programme on ITS for Freight. ERTICO will promote the participation of the ERTICO partners who have shown interests and propose partners whose expertise are currently missing in the current group. GLEC is not ERTICO partner but they are supporting AEOLIX.

Total Funding available: 2m€ for 1 project

Deadline: 26/01/2016

Contact person: Lina Konstantinopoulou (

2016       MG-6.3                  Roadmap, new business models, awareness raising, support and incentives for the roll-out of ITS          

This is an important support action for the C-ITS community. ERTICO is planning to coordinate a support action to support the C-ITS deployment platform and its working groups. The consortium is  composed, among others, of stakeholders association such as IRU, FIA, ACEA, but also research such as AustriaTech, CERTH, and VTT.

Total Funding available: 5m€ for 1-3 projects

Deadline: 26/01/2016

Contact person: Lina Konstantinopoulou (

2016 MG-5.1: Stand By status

Mobility as a Service / ITS for Urban Mobility Programme

2016       MG-6.1                  Innovative concepts, systems and services towards ‘mobility as a service’          

Many Partners declared their interest in this Call, both prior to the Workshop in August and subsequently. ERTICO is considering whether to lead an “umbrella” project proposal that would establish interoperability requirements & mechanisms, and common organisation/business models for MaaS widespread deployment, in cooperation with the new “MaaS Alliance”.

A virtual meeting on 9 November, with 25 participants, discussed some possible use cases for a project, including cities with significant cross-border travel; integrated travelcards; mobile payments; infrastructure-as-a-service; and incentives capable of changing behaviour. Istanbul would be keen to participate in one or other proposal, as a (very large) city where mobility is difficult.

ERTICO can also help Partners with proof of concept projects for specific MaaS implementation, i.e. consortium building, advice on concept, objectives & proposal content, reviewing. The EC has confirmed that they expect to fund a total of 3 projects. A “Partner Interest Form” is available online at this link for any Partner who has not already responded:

Total Funding available: up to 10m€ for several projects

Deadline: 20/01/2016 (Stage 1) 29/09/2016 (Stage 2)

Contact person: Paul Kompfner

2016       MG4.4                  Facilitating public procurement of innovative sustainable transport and mobility solutions in urban areas

The City of Copenhagen has agreed to coordinate a proposal with a small consortium of 5-6 partners composed of regional gov (Northampton County Council is confirmed), a national ministry, ERTICO and one other city association. The topics will be on procurement on sustainable transport solutions such as infrastructure to support green vehicles, large ITS projects, mobility as a service. Public authorities (i.e. procurers) who are interested in such topics are welcome to express interests.

Contact person: Yanying Li

eMobility (electro-Mobility) Programme

2016       GV-11                   Stimulating European research and development for the implementation of future road transport technologies

ERTICO has been invited to the ERTRAC supported initiative and will mostly contribute to the International cooperation aspects of the call.

Total Funding available: 3.5m€ for 1 project

Deadline: 26/01/2016

Contact person: Maxime Flament and Yanying Li

2016 EE-08, EE-25, LCE-1: Stand By Status

The ERTICO office is still investigating if these calls can be addressed. ERTICO Partners are invited to show their interests.

Calls added to the list of interest for ERTICO partnership:

2016       MG3.6                  Euro-African initative on road safety and traffic management

This call was added to the preliminary list as it may give ERTICO partnership an opportunity to promote European ITS technologies to untapped regions of Africa and open specific new market. For this reason, ERTICO office is engaging with GRSP (Global Road Safety Partnership) to contribute to the road transport part of a Support Action proposal. The project should include around 5 to 6 European partners and a similar number of African partners for a total funding of 3m€.

Total Funding available: 3m€ for 1 project

Deadline: 26/01/2016

Contact person: Yanying Li

2016 ICT-15 Big Data PPP: Large Scale Pilot actions in sectors best benefitting from data-driven innovation

This call was added to the preliminary list as it may give ERTICO partnership to develop BigData expertise in Transport. Several partners are already interested to develop a Big data pilot on road transport. Interested Partners are welcome to show their interest.

Total Funding available: 25m€ for 1-3 projects

Deadline: 12/04/2016

Contact person: Francois FISCHER (

2016 ICT07, ICT08, ICT09

These ICT calls were brought to our attention as they may represent interesting opportunities for connected vehicle research. We are corresponding with the ICT specialist in the ERTICO partnership to support a couple of proposals under this call.