Sent to All ERTICO partners


Dear Partners,


With this email, we would like to initiate the procedure for the H2020 2017 calls relevant to the ERTICO programme on Connected and Automated Driving (C&AD). The relevant calls are identified below. For each of them, you may show your interest by filling in the indicated form.



Please let us know if other calls are relevant.


The timeline for the H2020 2017 proposal development is:

  • April: A C&AD webinar is planned to present the 2017 opportunities above Friday 15/04/2016 from 1530 to 1630
  • End of April – deadline for partners feedback: Results about feedback of ERTICO partners per call or per programme
  • During May: Webinars will be organised for individual calls with the ERTICO partners who have shown their interest through the feedback forms
  • 23-24 June 2016: 2-day Workshop@ERTICO
    • Agenda organised per workprogramme
    • Programme leader and call champions will present the project initiatives emerging form the feedback forms and discussions with partners
    • Possibility to use ERTICO meeting rooms for side meetings on specific calls
  • End August-September: first F2F meetings of the proposals


Best regards,

Maxime Flament