Dear ERTICO partners,

During the last year, many of you have contributed to the first version of the Data Sharing Framework coordinated by the FOT-Net Data consortium. The documents can be downloaded from the FOT-Net’s website – all links are at the end of this post.

Many of us are now preparing FOT-like project proposals for the open EC calls. The Data Sharing Framework will help to address the call requirements on data management. Referring to it – and planning to use the Data Catalogue to advertise new datasets – should take that part of the proposal already a long way. If you wish to discuss the framework in detail or provide feedback on it, please contact us.

FOT-Net would gladly welcome new members with the new automated driving and C-ITS pilot projects. Targeted to these new projects, we’re preparing a workshop concentrating on FESTA, the European testing methodology, to be held in Leeds on 3–4 February 2016 (additional information and the draft Agenda are available on the FOT-Net Data website: link at the end of this e-mail).

The workshop will both introduce the methodology and discuss applying it to automation studies.

FOT-Net remains a forum for the upcoming FOT projects to exchange information, data and methodology. Vehicle automation has already become a key topic for us. Supporting even further harmonization of the upcoming tests is in EC’s interests. As the pilot projects will, so will also FOT-Net apply to the open ART call in January for further enhancing our support activities.

Please let us know if you’re interested in our support.

Good luck to proposal-writers 😉

On behalf of FOT-Net Data,

Sami Koskinen

Information about the FOT-Net Data Workshop in Leeds (3-4 February 2016) and registration link:


The Data Sharing Framework documents are available at:


Contributions to the Data Catalogue go here: