High-level Conference “Multimodal transport – towards the future”

Hotel Crowne Plaza Rue Gineste 3, 1210 Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc and the Directorate-General for Transport and Mobility (DG MOVE) are inviting transport stakeholders for a High Level conference “Multimodal transport – towards the future”, officially closing  the 2018 Year of Multimodality. The thematic year was called to promote the functioning of the transport sector as a fully integrated system, making better use […]

Save the date: Next European truck platooning challenge! Feb 28, 2019

CLORA 8 Avenue des Arts, 1210 Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

Truck Platooning Community, are you ready for a new Challenge Event? When: 26th of March 2019 Draft Agenda I. STATUS a. ENSEMBLE Status of WP 2 6 4 Platoon level A b. ETPC Progress on last workshop CASE 2022 c. Reaction on ETPC specifications provided to WP2 d. Tasks forces status II. Next steps a. […]

6th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum

Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden

Sustainability is a business objective to which many organisations aspire, but achieving this aspirational goal presents many operations and supply chain management challenges. The forum targets all researchers interested in Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management. It aims at stimulating discussion between researchers and research communities and encouraging studies that elaborate on the important questions […]

Space for innovation in rail

Vienna, Austria

The European GNSS agency (GSA), the ‘Shift2Rail’ joint undertaking, the EU agency for railways (ERA), and the Austrian Ministry of transport, innovation and technology, are jointly organising a 2-day event gathering the railway main stakeholders, industry, and user communities. The aim of the event is to share the vision and roadmap of space technologies for […]

Accelerate: Rail 2019

London London, United Kingdom

Accelerate: Rail 2019 (previously known as The Future of Rail) is the UK’s leading rail conference, and brings together senior executives within the UK rail industry to discuss the critical challenges, solutions and opportunities emerging during an uncertain time. The conference attracts major UK train operating companies (TOCs), freight operating companies (FOCs), transport groups, and key industry […]

MaaS Market

London United Kingdom

This event will bring together international and local thought-leaders to try and make sense of this rapidly changing landscape Interest in Mobility as a Service is reaching unprecedented heights as a growing number of governments and communities look for new ways to deal with transportation crises in both urban and rural areas alike. The economic […]

European truck platooning challenge

CLORA, 8 Avenue des Arts, 1210 Bruxelles Brussels, Belgium

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