Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum – Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy, Directorate-General for Climate Action and the Executive Agency for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (EASME) are jointly organising the 2020 edition of the Covenant of Mayors Investment […]

Workshop: Factories of the Future for the Automotive Sector

BluePoint Conference Centre, Brussels Av. Louise, Brussels, Belgium

This joint workshop is being organized within the framework of the EU project “FUTURE-RADAR”, where ERTICO is one of the Partners.  Building on the success of the first ‘Factories of […]

EU-Arab Aviation summit

Beirut, Lebanon Beirut, Lebanon

The event is jointly Organised by the European Commission and the Arab Civil Aviation Organization. To attend the EU-Summit, please send your registration, including your name, family name, job title, name […]

Webinar: Management of public transport to contain COVID–19


The partners of the SOLUTIONSplus project will bring together three partner cities, Nanjing, Madrid and Hamburg to present the strategies being employed by public transport providers to support containment of […]

ERTICO Academy Webinar: Smart City/IoT


What will the Smart City of tomorrow look like? And what role will Internet of Things (IoT) play when it comes to connected vehicles and communication with the surrounding infrastructure? […]

Future Mobility Webinar Series by Ubiwhere


Throughout the month of May, there will be several sessions, in which the main topics on this theme will be addressed by renown national and international guest speakers. The first […]