CAD Study – Final Conference


ERTICO, Ecorys, IRU, М-Five, SEURECO, TRT, UITP and VTT will present their findings as part of a European Commission Study on the impact of Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) on jobs and employment at the “CAD Study Final Conference” on 15 September 2020. Join us from 10:00 to 16:30 CET to learn about and discuss  the consequences of […]

Webinar: 5G-MOBIX Evaluation Framework


This webinar is organized to present the various  aspects of the Evaluation Framework of the 5G-MOBIX project. An overview of the project’s evaluation framework will be provided, specifying the evaluation objectives. Discussions will include information regarding the evaluation methodology, selected KPIs, measurement tools and data management processes, across the different corridors and local trial sites. […]

How to make CCAM in Cities a reality


The SHOW (SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption) project will host its 1st Pan-European Workshop, titled «How to make CCAM in Cities a reality» on 18 September 2020. In this Workshop a selection of high-level Keynote Speakers will share their views and experiences about Connected and Cooperative Automated Mobility, while you’ll also have the […]

23rd International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – Virtual Conference

Virtual event

The International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) welcomes papers and presentations in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, dealing with new developments in theory, analysis, simulation and modeling, experimentation, demonstration, case studies, field operational tests, and deployments. ITSC 2020 particularly invites and encourages prospective authors to share their work, findings, perspectives and developments as […]

Get-2-Gether workshop on cybersecurity

Graz, Austria Graz

ERTICO is part of the European project HEADSTART, which defines and develops test, validation and certification methodologies and procedures for Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) functions including Key Enable Technologies (KET) such as communications, cybersecurity, and positioning. By joining the Get-2-Gether Workshop on “Cybersecurity Standardization Status and Tooling” on Monday 28 of September at 17:00h, participants will […]

Urban Mobility Days 2020 – Digital Conference

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The Conference combines two leading events from Europe’s transport calendar: the CIVITAS Forum Conference and the European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). It will bring together policymakers, local authorities, academics, NGOs, urban transport practitioners, urban planners and all those putting the SUMP concept into practice. Over 600 attendees are expected to participate in […]

27th ITS World Congress

Los Angeles Los Angeles, United States

Focusing on seamless mobility in an increasingly complex world, ITS World Congress 2020 is the preeminent forum for professionals to build systems addressing global transportation challenges. The Intelligent Transportation Society […]

Transport as a Commodity and Utility Virtual Workshop


Hosted by ITS America, ERTICO – ITS Europe and ITS Asia-Pacific Curated by MOD Alliance and MaaS Alliance If, at its core, MOD/MaaS treats transportation supply and demand as commodities, […]