Enter a massive dose of technology into the passenger and freight mobility system in Italy to achieve those goals already reached in other countries with smart mobility, such as a 20% reduction in travel time and a 10% increase in infrastructure capacity . This is the objective of the proposals that TTS Italia will present in Rome on July 11th at the “Smart Mobility: an opportunity for growth” conference, addressing the Government and institutions, also in view of the next budget law, and the local administrations committed to drawing up the SUMPs.
TTS Italia will present two documents to guide the choices of institutions and local authorities and direct their priorities.
Italy is a country that moves by road. 91.19% of total movements (goods and people) take place on the road with obvious negative externalities in terms of congestion, environmental pollution and safety. To this it should be added that the demand for road transport presents significant territorial imbalances, as traffic flows are essentially concentrated on some critical lines and nodes around the main metropolitan and industrial areas of the country. On the security front, the absolute values of road accidents, even if lower in comparison with previous years (with the exception of the number of deaths that have returned to growth compared to the previous year), remain very high, especially in urban areas where there is about 75% of accidents, with extremely worrying social and economic impacts.
Smart management of mobility means significantly affecting critical issues. Experiences started in other European countries and in the United States have shown that the application of ITS leads to a reduction in travel time of 20%, to an increase in network capacity of 5-10%, to a decrease accidents of 10-15%, congestion of 15%, polluting emissions of 10% and energy consumption of 12%. These are benefits that can be obtained with relatively modest investments and, in any case, much lower percentages than those necessary for the construction of new infrastructures. In particular, according to European Commission data, every 1 euro invested in ITS cooperative services (C-ITS) yields 3 euros in terms of return in the period 2018-2030.
This is why TTS Italia is convinced that investing in smart mobility is a growth opportunity for Italy: a country that moves in a more intelligent and sustainable way produces development and progress.
The document “TTS Italia proposals for Smart Mobility” which will be presented and discussed in the first part of the morning of 11 July therefore indicates the priorities on which to intervene to restore momentum to the mobility system of people and goods, with the goal of introducing and expanding the use of intelligent transport technologies and systems.
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