Venue: Volvohallen in Gothenburg (Sweden)
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The Conference Program this year will address the large number of actions from the players in the Telematics/ M2M space. We see strategic acquisitions, mergers and partnerships that will lead to new business offers and raise the question who will be the competitor, supplier or customer tomorrow, it might shift soon. The most sensitive question is – who will own the customer?
Besides the above, the Cloud is having huge impact on traditional business as it can by-pass our established distribution channels and deliver combined services not possible before due to complexity and cost. The impact of this must not be underestimated. Many companies taking today’s business models for granted may find themselves competing in a completely different business environment tomorrow.
We will also highlight the changes in the Truck and Transportation industry where e.g. Fleet Management Systems are becoming more and more important but also there is a need for better decision-making information. Openness is maybe a buzzword but it is more than that. The commercial vehicle manufacturers have to decide if and how to share onboard platform technology and generated data to meet the customer’s demands.
Smart City is becoming a description of where most of us will live in the future but what roles can Telematics/ M2M/ Internet of Things play. Listen to speakers that have focused on understanding and predicting this development.