The C-ITS platform addresses the main barriers and enablers identified for the deployment of C-ITS in the EU in view to provide policy recommendations to the European Commission for the development of a Communication on the Deployment of C-ITS.
In this respect, in addition to the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility (DG MOVE), all the relevant Commission services, such as the Directorate General for Communication Networks Content and Technology (DG CNECT), the Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD), the Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry (DG ENTR) are associated to the Platform.
The platform started in November 2015 with a 30 months duration. The Phase I Report was released in January 2016 as a first milestone towards connected and automated vehicles int eh EU. The Commission now prepares the Master Plan for the Deployment of C-ITS, to be ready by mid-2016, based on the recommendations of the platform. The C-ITS Platform activities will continue with Phase II with a special focus on the links between connectivity and automation, in particular in relation to infrastructure and road safety issues.
The C-ITS platform consists of 62 members. The largest representation (20 Experts) is the experts nominated by the Member States + local and regional authorities (4 experts). The sectorial representation in the platform is very broad. 32 ERTICO Partners have been selected as member. In addition the TISA platform is represented.